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Personalised Wedding Cake


*48 hours notice is required prior to pick up or delivery to allow us to fulfill your order.  Please use our CONTACT US page for a quote.

The following is to give you an indication of cupcakes per tier (depending in tier size):
4, 5 or 6 tier stands                                    3 tier stands
1 tier      6”cake (or 3 cupcakes)             1 tier      6″cake (or 6 cupcakes)
2 tier      6 cupcakes                             2 tier      8 cupcakes
3 tier      8 cupcakes                             3 tier     14 cupcakes
4 tier    14  cupcakes
5 tier    18 cupcakes
6 tier    22 cupcakes

We have cupcake towers for hire in our accessories section.

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